Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Thursday 14 September 2000

Its time to move on


It's time to move on.

If we have any grudges, resentments, ill-feeling, even well-based and "honest" grudges, resentments & ill-feeling, it's time to let go of them and move on. If we have been treated unfairly, and this has never been acknowledged, it's time to let go and move on.

The creative future is so close to us that, if we stumble in allowing it into our lives by seeking to address the past, we will fail the future. If we accept the creative future, the hold of the past will miraculously lessen of its own accord. We will find ourselves part of an unexpected & unforeseeable unfolding present moment, which will through its own process address the "past".

So, let's move on.

You don't like me. Fine. Move on. I don't like you. Who cares? Let's both move on.

Are you passionate about what you are doing? If not, move on.

Any form of creative living bears with it as much unhappiness as happiness. This is the Law of the Stick: it has two ends. So, hold both unhappiness and happiness. They are both irrelevant, other than the degree to which they may support our aim. Holding the contradiction, the "friction" generates "heat". This "heat" fires up the creative life. This is joyful, and painful.

You want a happy life? Fine.

You want a creative life? Move on.

And, apropos of nothing in particular, Crimson have been offered 7 shows in Italy. I find I have no interest in travelling several hundred miles with lots of equipment to play for photo sessions. I'm moving on. You want photos of Crimson at shows? Fine. Move on to a more appropriate act for photography.

And, apropos of nothing else in particular, I was asked to be a key interviewee on a major UK tv programme on the top ten progressive rock acts. I declined. I'm moving on. Do you fondle gatefold covers of your favourite prog acts in the privacy of your bedroom? Fine. The current Crimson's not for you. We're moving on.

The creative future is flying by on a frequency band well above my "hearing". But I can tell it's there: the inaudible frequencies in the very high band bring "air" into the high & mid frequencies. But presently there is a level of "low noise" which is seeking to cancel out the high overtones. This is unpleasant to experience. Meanwhile, persistence, endurance, and trust in the process.

I have no idea what will happen, other than it will.

